Saving Time and Energy While Getting a House Ready to Sell: Outsource vs DIY

Saving Time and Energy While Getting a House Ready to Sell in Flagstaff

Saving Time and Energy While Getting a House Ready to Sell: Outsource vs DIY

By Natalie Jones

If you are putting your house on the market to sell, there is a lot of work involved to get it ready.  Deep cleaning, decluttering, repairs, and staging all take time and effort to get the job done right.  You may feel overwhelmed at the idea of finding the time and energy to devote to your home, especially if your day is already filled with a busy schedule of work and parenting.  Thankfully, if you’re willing to pay for the services, most everything that needs to be done can be outsourced.  Let’s go over the different options you have to hire a professional versus tackling it by yourself.

Declutter and Deep Clean

One of the first things to do when preparing your home for the market is to declutter and deep clean every nook and cranny. Decluttering is one of the few steps in this process that you probably really need to do yourself.  No one is going to be able to sort through your belongings to determine what needs to stay and can be tossed.  This won’t take you too long, especially if you include the whole family in the process.  After getting rid of your extra clutter, the next step is to deep clean your entire house.  This is not your normal daily dusting and wiping. Every area from light fixtures to inside cabinets to baseboards needs to be thoroughly cleaned.  You may want to hire a professional cleaning company for this part.  Most agencies are reasonably priced and can get your home spick-and-span in a matter of hours, saving you time and exhaustion.

After the big job of deep cleaning is complete, you should also implement a strategy to keep your house looking clean. Designate a few chores for each family member to tackle every day, and have a plan for those last-minute showings, like taking out the trash, wiping down the kitchen and closing toilet bowl lids and closet doors.

Repairs and Touch Ups

Once your house is clean and organized, you need to look at your home carefully from an outsider’s perspective.  According to Pacific Standard, it’s common to not notice things right in front of you when you are used to seeing them every day.  You will be surprised to notice dings in the wall or paint chips on the baseboard when you’re actually looking for them.  It’s important to repair any damage and to touch up the paint anywhere that needs it.  If you are handy, this could be an easy and quick task to check off your list.  If you don’t even own a screwdriver, much less have paint and spackle laying around, then this may be another area you outsource.  Ask friends for personal references or search reviews online to help find a reputable handyman, and be sure to get different quotes to avoid being ripped off.

Staging for Success

One of the most important details in getting your home ready is to properly stage it.  According to Forbes, homes will sell faster and for more money when they are well staged.  Staging your home involves setting up your furniture and décor to show off your home’s best features and to neutrally appeal to everyone who walks through your home.  Unless you are an interior decorator by trade, this is a great moment to bring in a professional and it could be worth the expense. Regardless of the direction a professional thinks your décor needs to go, they will certainly ask you to remove all of your personal items and photos.  You want potential buyers to walk into your home and imagine themselves already living there.

Whether you’ve chosen to hire people to help you or you’ve ended up tackling it all yourself, your home is now clean, tidy, and showroom ready.  Hopefully with all the hard work you have put in, your house won’t be on the market for long!


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